Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Polyneice's Death Leads to More

Our hero Polyneices dies after betraying his own country, Thebes. His death leads to more complicated problems. His strong-hearted sister Antigone gets locked up by King Creon after trying to bury her brother. King Creon disapproves of burying Polyneices, because he believes that when someone betrays the country, they should not be able to be buried. Antigone was later going to get buried alive! But King Creon's son, Haimon tries to persuade his father to understand the situation and release his lover Antigone; he even threatened his father. With the help of blind Tiresias, King Creon realizes that he is wrong and decides to bury Polyneices. It is too late; tragedy has already strike. When he returns from burying Polyneices, he finds out that Antigone has hung herself causing Haimon to kill himself because of his love for her. Queen Eurydice also kills herself after hearing the news of her son's death. King Creon is left alone to suffer and learn from the mistakes he made. Will he learn from them or will he make more?


jennipho said...

yea..immah loser! I had nothing to say so yeah!

L. M. Peifer said...

I'm glad you thought this was easy to set up. I hope that you will use the blog so other people can see your thoughts. You refer to something personal in your blog--I hope all is alright and that you got some sleep!

Princess Maya said...

Lol, your're funny. You're not a loser, it's okay I don't know how to blog either.

Koumman Lee said...

not all ppl know how to blog btw so i believe we are all losers, rite? well...

Karl Wichman said...

hey koumman, nice blog post! i got your comment so i felt like i should comment back haha.

Koumman Lee said...

your news letter is well written, i like it pretty much