Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jennifer Yang
English 10IB
Ms. Peifer

King Creon:Guilty

People of the jury, take a look at this man, King Creon. Even though he is the king, he is a cold-hearted and stubborn person who does not care about anyone. "Powerful men...cannot bear anyone to break their rules" (Sophocles, 978-980). Tis man, King Creon is guilty and should be sentenced to death for killing three people. He is guilty for numerous reasons. I have evidence that he caused the deaths of Antigone, his son Haimon, and his wife.

First of all, King Creon had a motive for causing the death of Haimon. Couple days before Haimon's death, he and his father Creon had a big arguement. Creon told his son "...you'll be sorry for demeaning me with all these insults"(Sophocles, 866-867). Because Creon was upset about Haimon's insults, he made Haimon kill himself for his punishment.

Second, Antigone kills herself, because of King Creon's actions. He locked her up and tried burying her alive. "...take her and shut her up"(Sophocles, 990). He should also get put in jail for trying to bury a person alive. Because King Creon doesn't bury her brother Polyneices in time, she is upset and too sad so she kills herself.

And lastly, King Creon admits that he caused the deaths of both Haimon, and his wife. "I killed you my son..as well my wife"(Sophocles, 1486-1487). If a person has not killed someone, why would one say such a thing, unless they really did kill someone. Because King Creon said he killed his son and wife he must have, because no person wants to go to jail.

As you can see here, our king is not as great as he is. He is an awful person that should be put to jail. He has cost the lives of three great people that has done no harm to him or anyone around. Antigone, Haimon, and his wife only wanted what was right by burying Polyneices. But because this man, King Creon is so caught up in his own world, he cannot see that. Would having a king who does not see the good in people remain king or even let off and not be guilty?

Works Cited:

Sophocles. "Antigone." The Internet Classic Archive. Trans. R.C. Jobb. 04 Oct. 2000. Classics. Mit.edu.25 Nov. 2008 <http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/anitgone.html>.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Behind on Technology

New inventions are created everyday from the next "moon shoes" to the newest iPhone. Technology is everywhere: at school, at work, and even at home. Whenever I enter Caribou coffee, I always see someone on their bluetooths or typing on their laptops. Number of teenagers having their headphones glued onto their ears with the music on blast. There are so many new technology in the world that I get so behind. Numerous people already have the most high-tech phones or computers, but not me. Internet and cable have been a big thing that many people have, but I've only had it connected in my house for only a month now. It was my first time ever having internet and cable! I was really excited, but even though I have those things, I'm still behind on technology. I believe that I will never be able to catch up, because there are just too many technology out there in the world.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Polyneice's Death Leads to More

Our hero Polyneices dies after betraying his own country, Thebes. His death leads to more complicated problems. His strong-hearted sister Antigone gets locked up by King Creon after trying to bury her brother. King Creon disapproves of burying Polyneices, because he believes that when someone betrays the country, they should not be able to be buried. Antigone was later going to get buried alive! But King Creon's son, Haimon tries to persuade his father to understand the situation and release his lover Antigone; he even threatened his father. With the help of blind Tiresias, King Creon realizes that he is wrong and decides to bury Polyneices. It is too late; tragedy has already strike. When he returns from burying Polyneices, he finds out that Antigone has hung herself causing Haimon to kill himself because of his love for her. Queen Eurydice also kills herself after hearing the news of her son's death. King Creon is left alone to suffer and learn from the mistakes he made. Will he learn from them or will he make more?