Friday, November 21, 2008

Behind on Technology

New inventions are created everyday from the next "moon shoes" to the newest iPhone. Technology is everywhere: at school, at work, and even at home. Whenever I enter Caribou coffee, I always see someone on their bluetooths or typing on their laptops. Number of teenagers having their headphones glued onto their ears with the music on blast. There are so many new technology in the world that I get so behind. Numerous people already have the most high-tech phones or computers, but not me. Internet and cable have been a big thing that many people have, but I've only had it connected in my house for only a month now. It was my first time ever having internet and cable! I was really excited, but even though I have those things, I'm still behind on technology. I believe that I will never be able to catch up, because there are just too many technology out there in the world.

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